Emergency Preparedness for Pet

Services Businesses

Emergency preparedness for pet businesses can be a daunting task to take on. We can help! We will assist your business answer the following questions:

  1. How do you safely evacuate your business during an emergency?
  2. How do you keep your staff and clients safe?
  3. How do you prevent emergencies at your business?
  4. Do you have adequate emergency kits in place?
  5. How do you coordinate with your local community to prepare for disasters?
  6. Do your policies and procedures support emergency preparedness and safety?
  7. How do you train your staff to handle a variety of safety concerns?
  8. How will your business recover from an emergency?
  9. + so much more!

Community Responders

Responding to emergencies with animals is inevitable. We can assist public safety agencies develop policies, plans and training programs for responders so they can stay safe. We help answer questions like:

  1. Should our responders attempt to assist animals?
  2. How do they provide the best care (& how do agencies train them on this care)?
  3. What policies & procedures should be in place regarding handling of animals?
  4. What other community resources can help first responders with animals in emergencies?

Our team has worked with firefighting & ambulance agencies, air medical teams & more.

For information regarding working/operational canine first aid training, please visit: https://www.vettacgroup.com/

Veterinary Teams

As part of our commitment to full-circle care of animals, we can assist veterinary teams with resuscitation drills & practice. Taking knowledge from textbook to fast-paced action can be challenging. We run veterinary teams through a series of resuscitation drills to develop muscle memory, communication skills, and teamwork.

For more information on in-hospital resuscitation standards & online training for veterinary professionals please visit: https://veccs.org/recover-cpr/